Henna (Lawsonia) is a small tree. The leaves of the henna plant contain a natural coloring pigment that is used for temporary body art, coloring hair, dye animal skin, fingernails as well as fabrics.
Henna is a plant that grows best in a warm climate of up to 120F degrees. Henna was originally used for its natural cooling properties for the people living in hot desert climates.
Henna has been used in Ancient Egypt as well as other tropical regions including South Asia, the Arabian Peninsula, and many parts of Africa.
Today, Henna has been used in most part of the world including North America.
Henna is a plant with leaves that are harvested, dried and ground into a powder. Henna grown in hot and dry weather will stain the best.
The powdered henna activate with air and water.
Henna paste is normally mixed with:
Organic Henna powder
Lemon juice
Distilled water
Essential oils
Once applied on skin it gives a cooling effect
and leave a reddish-brown stain.
Henna is safe for kids as well as adults, as long as they aren’t allergic to the ingredients in the mixture.
The Henna designs are drawn on skin with the wet paste. The henna paste will need to be left on for several hours to dry and stain the skin.
Once the dry paste is removed after few hours, the stain will be a vibrant orange. This is temporary, because the henna will actually oxidize over the 48 hours with the proper aftercare. It will eventually deepen to a reddish-brown to brown-black color.
Henna last on the skin for 1-3 weeks.
Natural henna is extremely safe, and has been used both decoratively and therapeutically for thousands of years.
It’s extremely rare for someone to have an adverse reaction to henna.